Legal IT Services in Melbourne

No Lock-In Contracts

A relationship based only on trust.

100% Australian Based

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Accel iT’s engineers are trained and certified to have the knowledge required to work within your industry. We understand that legal work can often be time sensitive and that urgency is important.
Managed IT Services

Legal Specific Software

We are familiar and support software's such as LEAP, Lexis Nexis, PracticeEvolve and others.
network firewall

Enhanced IT Security

We can provide regular penetration testing and ensure that your firm is compliant with security standards such as ISO27002.
people reviews

Experienced Technicians

We have multiple technicians who have knowledge specific to your industry. So, you can rest assured that we have the capability to service your industry.
database backup and recovery

Regular Backups in Australia

Backing up your data and protecting you from critical data loss is a must. All our data is stored within Australia to safeguard you are compliant.

Why is Legal IT Services important for the Legal Industry?

The legal industry, like many other industries, can benefit from Legal IT support in a number of ways. Here are some of the main reasons why IT services is important for the legal industry:


Law firms deal with a lot of sensitive information, including client data, case files, and financial records. Legal IT support can help manage this data securely and ensure that it is properly backed up and protected from cyber threats.
Lawyers and legal professionals need to be able to communicate effectively with clients, colleagues, and courts. Accel IT can help set up and maintain communication tools like email, video conferencing, and document sharing platforms.
Legal professionals often work on complex cases with many moving parts. IT support can help streamline workflows and improve collaboration by implementing tools like project management software and document management systems.
The legal industry is one of the most vulnerable to cyber-attacks next to financial services due to the sensitive nature of the data it handles. We can help implement strong security measures like firewalls, encryption, and intrusion detection systems.
The legal industry is subject to strict regulations regarding data privacy and security. IT support can help ensure that law firms are in compliance with these regulations and avoid costly fines and legal issues.
Find out why people are trusting Accel IT as their managed service provider within the legal industry.
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Managed IT Services for the Legal Industry

lawyers and legal services australia are entrusted with a great deal of sensitive data, and as such, they need to have the best possible legal it professionals in order to protect that data.

Not only should legal law firms have IT specialists on call, but they should also outsource their IT needs to a specialised managed service provider who understands the legal industry and can keep your data safe. 

Here are just a few of the reasons why legal law firms should have specialised IT:

  • Data security is of utmost importance in the legal industry
  • IT services can help you stay compliant with government regulations
  • Outsourcing your IT needs can save you money in the long run
  • Specialised providers understand the unique needs of legal law firms
Overall, getting the right support is essential for the legal industry to operate efficiently, securely, and in compliance with regulations. With the right IT infrastructure and support, law firms can focus on providing quality legal services to their clients without worrying about technical issues or security breaches. 

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